
Ordinary women discovering extraordinary lives in Jesus

Welcome to Women Seeking Christ,

Transforming lives… today, tomorrow and for eternity.

About Us

Is it possible for one woman to change a life or impact future generations? Women Seeking Christ answers this question with a resounding YES. Join us for a closer walk with Jesus and discover your sphere of influence in Christ.

Inspired by the women of the Bible, we often look to them as examples and mentors. Despite being second class citizens, these women didn’t let life roll them over. In addition to their strength of character, we examine their weaknesses too. Whether good or bad their actions made an impact on their world and future generations.

For instance, Eve is the reason we live in a fallen world and Esther saved the Jews from annihilation. Additionally, Dorcas societies still operate today, providing clothes for the needy. Check out our community page to find out more about this exceptional woman.

Furthermore, biblical women struggled with infertility, parenting issues, caretaking worries, and health concerns. Likewise, some had troubled marriages, and others labored to make ends meet. Moreover, they were tempted and had character flaws like us:  jealousy, fear, greed, anger, lack of confidence, and selfishness to name just a few.

Women Seeking Christ is a place where we tackle all these subjects and more. Connect, ask questions, express doubts, share concerns, and celebrate victories.

We’re glad you found us. Please visit often as we gather together and develop Christ loving relationships. Participate in conversations on our blog posts, subscribe for email notifications, and follow us on social media for more interaction.

Click here for a fun quiz to discover your Biblical Mentor!

“I marvel at the intrinsic power given to women by our Creator. Considered chattel in Biblical times, these women did not stand idly by while life rolled them over. Women have the ability to impact the world in a profound way. Even me, Even YOU, Even NOW.”

Patrice Van Dyke


From Our Blog


Life is Hard! Heaven is coming, but this ain’t it! However, there are ‘God Winks.’ The Bible tells us to seek treasures during hard times. How, you ask? Let’s check it out.

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Are you too busy? Your answer: of course! After all, it is just life in today’s hustle bustle world. But would Jesus agree?

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During Holy Week we must focus our thoughts and prayers on the Lamb of God who sacrificed greatly for you and me. Discover ways to worship and honor Jesus on the most somber of days – Good Friday.

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