
Appreciation is the word of the month. Yes, ladies, we celebrate National Husband Appreciation Day on April 20th. I know, another made up holiday so greeting card companies can make money.

However, the more I thought about it I realized that I don’t show my husband the appreciation he deserves. In fact, I’m sure I take him for granted. So, I figured that some of you likely struggle with this appreciation thing too.

Additionally, not only is honoring our husbands a nice thing to do, it is scriptural.

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” (Ephesians 5:33 NIV).

So here are some unique ideas (that won’t break the bank) to make Husband Appreciation Day memorable.


As you can see from the above scripture verse, the Bible tells us that we must (not can or should) respect our husbands. I can hear the collective howling through the computer – you must earn my respect. Learn why this is not a biblical concept when it comes to your husband, by checking out Emerson Eggerichs’ website and book Love and Respect.

In the meantime, let’s put aside the controversy because I imagine that most of the women reading this article can find one or two things to respect about their husbands. So this is what I suggest.

Make  a list

Make a list of what you respect about him and post it on the fridge, bathroom mirror, or anyplace he is sure to see it. I think you’ll be surprised at his reaction.

To help you get started here is a list of what I respect about my husband, Todd:

Commitment to prayer

Work Ethic

Thoughtful leadership for our family

Moral Code

Treatment of other people – even those he doesn’t know

Generosity to good causes and other people


Do this when there is some quiet time and verbally tell him what you appreciate: you can also make a list for him to keep. Here is an abbreviated list for my husband.

How he listens to me ramble on even when he is not the least interested in the subject

Overlooks it when I snap at him (I can’t say I do the same)

His help with household chores

Taking my parents into our home

How he loves his Grandkids


Spend time in prayer specifically for your husband on April 20. Try not to pray for anything else that day.

Appreciation Prayer

Some creative ways to do this:

Ask him about current problems, struggles, and dreams. Make a husband prayer list from this discussion. Divide the list into three and pray for one group in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Additionally, on every hour take the first five minutes to pray for your husband so your prayers are lifted throughout the day.


Okay, this is one is scary and needs some emotional preparation. Allow your husband to express three things that “bug” him about your relationship.

Of course, if you think three is too many to handle, make it one or two. Regardless of what he says, keep your promise not to be defensive and no grudge holding!

You must know your husband and marriage to decide if this exercise works for your particular situation. Additionally, if you can’t control your defense mechanism, maybe wait on this suggestion for another year.

Peace and Quiet

Provide a peaceful and quiet day for your husband. Try to keep things as serene as possible. If calm is not an option at your house, perhaps splurge on a hotel room, cabin, or retreat to allow him to be alone with his thoughts. If he prefers, you can go with him – but don’t be a “Chatty Cathy.”


Of course, you can cook his favorite meal, do an activity together, which you usually try to avoid, or allow him a day for his sports passion or hobby without guilt.

So what do you think about this appreciation day thing? Comments are welcome, especially if you have some other ideas for our readers.

If you are new to WSC, we are doing a “Christian Workout” theme this year. Learn more about this by clicking here.

Indulge me with one more message, look for a special blog post on Good Friday. It will help prepare our hearts for Easter.

Oh, and one more note: I realize that this appreciation day is falling on the Saturday before Easter, which is a sacred and busy time for Christians. I am not in any way taking away from Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Just set your own Husband Appreciation Day that works with your schedule. He’ll love it no matter what the date.